

Digital Artist


I'm a 31 year-old artist in California that draws for fun, struggles with PTSD & Agoraphobia, and yet, I find myself happily married & with two dogs despite it.In my free time, aside from the obvious, I enjoy writing short stories & poetry, playing video games, reading, and consuming any story oriented content (via whatever form of media).I hope to make comics and stories, so please support me in the future, if I can manage to make that a reality. Until then, say hi to me in the wild!

Donations & Support

I appreciate any donation, but I also appreciate your kind words. Your support means everything to me: Thank you!


What do you use to draw?

I use a Wacom Bamboo Create & PaintTool Sai to create full pieces and a Galaxy Tab 6 & Samsung Notes to sketch or jot down ideas.

What does your availability look like?

Requests: Closed
Commissions: Closed
Art Trades: Ask (Usually Open)
I'm sorry, but I don't like to draw for money. I'm more than happy to do equal trades, but if you'd like to support me, please consider donating a kofi.

Why did you choose this name?

I know this handle isn't professional, to say the least, but you can think of it as my artistic expression, which I find necessary to challenge.

Show me the dogs!!!


Have a question, I haven't answered yet? Check out my Perch Page where you can ask me anything!Otherwise, you can email me at [email protected]

The Dogs

Mila has to play...
for hours.

August loves cuddling,
even his toys.

& I love them. 💕